Cabinet knobs can be expensive. At places like Anthropologie the high end knobs can range anywhere from $6 — $16. If you have a dresser with six knobs you are shelling out some big bucks just for hardware. I wanted to show you a way you can create beautiful custom knobs at home for a fraction of the price. With this process they look like they are ceramic because of the bright glossy shine the Envirotex Lite gives it.

Wooden Knobs
Mod Podge
Envirotex Lite
Throw away brush
Stir Stick or Popsicle Stick
Throw away cup
Blue Painters Tape
Tissue Paper
I had a friend give me a huge bag of wooden knobs. However, you can find wood knobs very inexpensively at places like Hobby Lobby and Michaels.
The original inspiration for my knobs came from the Lucky Number Knob from Anthropologie. I thought it would be fun to make my own knobs with my house number on it.

1. I primered and painted my knobs a gloss white and let them dry.

2. Next I cut out a piece of tissue paper and taped it to a piece of printer paper using blue painters’ tape. Using the font Ecuyer Dax I typed out my “No. 821” in my word processing program. I ran it through my printer and my words typed out onto the tissue paper.

3. I then taped off my knobs to spray half of it another color. I used Krylon Ocean Breeze for the bottom half.

4. I cut out the numbered tissue paper and put a coat of Mod Podge over the top of my knob. I pressed the tissue paper in place trying to push the creases out. It is impossible to get all the creases out because of the domed surface, I just did my best.

7. With a throw away brush I “painted” the Envirotex Lite on over my sealed Mod Podged knob. The Envirotex Lite when cured gives it a hard, glass like durable finish. The reason I chose to use this product rather than a spray sealer is because how much use it will get. The Envirotex Lite will hold up all the abuse these knobs will get.
(Below is one without the two tones of paint…doesn’t it look like ceramic!)

ETI sent me this product to try out. Envirotex Lite was created by Environmental Technologies Inc. (ETI), which is the home for many resin and mold making products.
Today, artists are using ETI’s products in many crafty ways and they will be showcasing these works of art on their new blog "Resin Crafts".
Original article and pictures take site
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